Thursday, May 12, 2011

Always Thinking

I'm a college student, so I'm broke right? Not for long. I've got ideas- thousands of them, and almost all of them revolve around money. And I used to think that because I am so money motivated, that makes me an addict of money or superficial right? But no- that's not it at all. Just because someone desires to be self-sufficient and secure in his or her lifestyle doesn't just make them a money grubbing idiot. I think it just means that that person simply doesn't want to constantly be stressing about the future. Take me, for example: right now, I have recently moved, so I'm paying bills I never had to pay before, I don't have a job, and my funds are running out. Affording rent alone is stressful enough to make me want to pass out. And I HATE feeling like this. So, instead of complaining about it, I got a job- which doesn't start paying until about a month from now, and just in case that isn't enough, I started a marketing/agent career of my own. Now I represent a model and a photographer separately, and while it's somewhat stressful finding them jobs, it's better than worrying about how the heck the bills are gonna be paid. Now I'm not gonna lie: since I'm still looking for their next jobs, and since I don't start my real job quite yet, I'm still stressing about a month from now, but the other day I bought my first piece of furniture and I'm confident I'll have enough money to live here for at least another month and a half. Eventually, my estimated revenue will be $2500-$3000 a month, and for a college student that's not too shady (heck, the average household makes $45,000 a year- and this puts me not too far from that lol). I guess what I'm saying is, just because I am always thinking about how to make money doesn't make me greedy- it just means I wanna support myself and be satisfied with my life. *shrug* just talking though- now back to your day! ;-)

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