Friday, May 13, 2011

A little birdie once said.....

So I'm sitting around looking up new marketing techniques and I come across the idea that Twitter and Facebook and other social networks can be used to market for new potential customers. At first I sort of scoffed because I, personally use them to rant about bad bread and rude associates. However, after a little research, I realized that yes- they CAN be, but some people are trying to market with it incorrectly. Let's look at some things on Twitter that people should/shouldn't do: Everytime I tweet about how I love my new job, or I'm excited about my next paycheck, I get spam from someone who searches words in twitter about tweets regarding work and money. This spam even LOOKS annoying (all they write is your twitter name and a link to click on) and all I end up doing is reporting them. Another form of poor marketing skills on Twitter involves constantly tweeting about new job opportunities, working at home, making $5,000 in a day- all of which would annoy anyone who would be following you. The savvy marketeer knows that it's about appearing professional, and not just about pedaling your business. If you're trying to get push your business, first get people to read your tweets. Talk to people on twitter to show you're reading other people's twitters and trying to look for interesting stuff- that way, people will begin looking at your tweets. Participate in a few TT's that interest you on twitter, people will read your comments and follow the link to your twitter page. In the tweets about your business, write more about a positive thing that happened in your workday, and notable accomplishments. DON'T say- "Best in the Business! Check us out!" Exclamation points shouldn't be wasted people, so use them sparingly.

Now. Let's say you've got the great content on twitter, but you don't have enough people following you or who care. This is a VERY easy fix: you probably don't have great content. No just kidding, what's really probably happening is that you're directing your focus in the wrong places. Yes, following a bunch of people everyday at random may get you a few followers because some people have the mentality of "do right by me, and I'll do the same", but most people see someone who's following a lot of people and immediately assume it's spam or someone addicted to getting new followers. This is because a lot of people on twitter follow many people and then after awhile unfollow them to make themselves look important and as if they have a lot of followers because they tweet about interesting things. Here's how you can really get more followers: write about the great content I told you about in the above paragraph...let's say you're interested in marketing and public relations. use some hashtags that say #marketing EVERY ONCE IN AWHILE, and using those keywords will help people who use the following step- which you should use too- searching key words like marketing and public relations will help find people who talk about and are interested in the same things you are interested in. Just talking about what you believe and are interested in and trying to find the same, and following those who you know are greats in the twitter realm and are related to what you like will all help you find the right people. One thing you should NEVER do in the twitter world: NEVER ask people to follow you back if you start following them- either individually or as a general tweet. You look desperate, and no one is interested in following someone who looks like they need it.

These things will help anyone find the right people and say the right things. Of course, I used marketing as an example because that's what I do- I market the business of photographers and models to people who want commercials and advertisements done. If you want that, and just HAPPEN to live in Columbus, Ohio, feel free to email me at

 Oh and did I mention I have a twitter? @kirraboo12 (lol)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Always Thinking

I'm a college student, so I'm broke right? Not for long. I've got ideas- thousands of them, and almost all of them revolve around money. And I used to think that because I am so money motivated, that makes me an addict of money or superficial right? But no- that's not it at all. Just because someone desires to be self-sufficient and secure in his or her lifestyle doesn't just make them a money grubbing idiot. I think it just means that that person simply doesn't want to constantly be stressing about the future. Take me, for example: right now, I have recently moved, so I'm paying bills I never had to pay before, I don't have a job, and my funds are running out. Affording rent alone is stressful enough to make me want to pass out. And I HATE feeling like this. So, instead of complaining about it, I got a job- which doesn't start paying until about a month from now, and just in case that isn't enough, I started a marketing/agent career of my own. Now I represent a model and a photographer separately, and while it's somewhat stressful finding them jobs, it's better than worrying about how the heck the bills are gonna be paid. Now I'm not gonna lie: since I'm still looking for their next jobs, and since I don't start my real job quite yet, I'm still stressing about a month from now, but the other day I bought my first piece of furniture and I'm confident I'll have enough money to live here for at least another month and a half. Eventually, my estimated revenue will be $2500-$3000 a month, and for a college student that's not too shady (heck, the average household makes $45,000 a year- and this puts me not too far from that lol). I guess what I'm saying is, just because I am always thinking about how to make money doesn't make me greedy- it just means I wanna support myself and be satisfied with my life. *shrug* just talking though- now back to your day! ;-)